
Tom swifty
Tom swifty

“ Cats may be good, but I never deigned to see it,” Tom deferred. “I much prefer the score that Leonard Bernstein wrote before West Side Story,” Tom said candidly. “Did you ever see that London musical called Mutiny?” Tom asked bountifully. “I won’t listen to anything recorded by Streisand, Cook, or Harris,” Tom said barbarously. “I can’t find a cast album of The Golden Apple anywhere,” Tom said fruitlessly. “Nothing in my cast album collection is filed after The Zulu and the Zayda,” Tom said at last. “I can’t really say how Promises, Promises stacks up to its source material because I’ve only seen an abbreviated version of the movie,” Tom said aptly. “I’m sure you can remember the name of the performer who was billed under Ethel Merman and Jimmy Durante in Red Hot and Blue,” Tom said hopefully. “We can save money doing Our Town, what with its bare stage,” Tom said unsettlingly. “I will only listen to the original cast album of The Who’s Tommy,” Tom said acidly. Three years later, The Random House Dictionary of the English Language legitimized the Tom Swifty as “a play on words that follows an unvarying pattern, and relies for its humor on a punning relationship between the way an adverb describes a speaker and at the same time refers significantly to the import of the speaker’s statement, as in, ‘I know who turned off the lights,’ Tom hinted darkly.” In honor of the 40th anniversary, shall we whip up some Tom Swiftys with a Broadway theme? At parties, friends would try out new ones, to which their friends gave groans of appreciation. It was a rare television or radio show that didn’t include a Tom Swifty in its humor arsenal during the summer of ’63. “I dropped my toothpaste!” Tom said crestfallenly. “Those knives are dangerous,” Tom said pointedly.

tom swifty

“I hate being on welfare,” Tom said dolefully.

tom swifty

“You should go clean the lawn,” Tom said rakishly. A Tom Swifty is a particular type of pun centering on the adverb in the following formula: Tom never just said anything he said it warily, happily, eagerly, etc. Stratemeyer or Howard Garis, writing in Stratemeyer’s employ) would describe each and every action with an adverb.

#Tom swifty free

According to Wikipedia, the free internet encyclopedia, Tom Swiftys are named after the Tom Swift American adventure novels. Never heard of them? Let your youth be your consolation. But 40 years ago, the joke that was sweeping the country was the Tom Swifty. There have been tons of knock-knock jokes, ethnic jokes, and how-many-light-bulb jokes down through the decades.

Tom swifty